Canadian Anti-Spam Laws are now in effect.
Did you know you can still send notices until 2017 to past contacts?

Like every person in Canada, you have undoubtably received countless emails from retailers, marketers, and even people you don’t know that had your email, pleading with you to stay on their subscription lists.
It is a bit of a wonder how well these emails have been received, especially that so many of them came in a digital torrent that flooded email boxes this past week. Ironically, these messages became a sort-of pseudo spam in of themselves.
If you haven’t sent your mass email to your existing clients, asking if they would like to opt-in to your newsletters, mail outs, or marketing - it isn’t too late. In fact, you have 36 months to obtain express consent.
For you late comers, you can now take the time to craft an effective email. One that won’t be competing for attention as it would have been had it been sen out this past week.
If you have sent out a notice email and the client or customer has expressed they do not want to hear from you, you should not send further notices to them - even within this coming 36 month period. In doing so, you could be in violation of the CASL legislation. You can still send out another notice if you haven't heard from them, but these need to have been contacts that have given you prior you consent.
We’ve created some new functionality in ShoutCMS to help you send mass notices to your ShoutCMS Contacts. Please read up on the CASL laws before deciding to contact your existing contacts.
Need help crafting that perfect message?
We can help you with adding the right content and graphics to ensure you get the most of what could be your last contact with a previous client. If you have butterflies, get Mediashaker to help. We have CASL packages starting at $250 available until July 1, 2017.
Contact Chelsea at Mediashaker at 780-702-7545 or fill in the online contact form below.
Read up on the CASL legislation here:
Additionally, if you were interested in doing it yourself,we’ve provided these handy instructions.
1. Login to your ShoutCMS website.
2. Click on Settings and Select [Mass Mail Subscriptions]
3. Click [Add Subscription Group]
4. Create a Test Group
5. Click Contacts and create/modify a contact you have email access to. (I usually create myself as a new email address)
6. Below the ‘new’ contact’s email you will see a check box with Subscribed to email marketing and another with the name of the Subscription Group you created in step 3.
7. Check the box next to the new subscription group.
8. Click back into your Settings and select [Mass Mail Subscriptions]
9. Select the Subscription Group you created to test with.
10. Select the arrow next to the Send Mass Email and Export buttons, a drop down will appear and select [Send Newsletter Opt-in Email]
11. You will now see Reset Consent & Send Newsletter Opt-in Email along with the Warning: Please note that all users within the newsletter subscription list will be unsubscribed! This operation is permanent and can not be recovered. (this is why it’s best to send out a test email before you send it.)
12. We have provided a template for you to send to your contacts. You are welcome to customize the content in this area. The [newsletter.optin] is the only thing that you MUST leave in the message.
13. Click [Edit] next to subscriptions
14. Select your test group created in step 3 – which has your test contact in it. And click [Okay]
15. Keep the send a notification email checked.
16. Click Yes.
You will now receive the test email to your inbox. Review it and make sure it is good before you send the official one to all of your contacts.
1. Login to your ShoutCMS website.
2. Click on Settings and Select [Mass Mail Subscriptions]
3. Select the [subscription group] you want to send the Opt-In letter to.
4. Edit the provided.
5. Keep the send a notification email checked.
6. Click Yes.
You have now sent the Opt-In Consent email.